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How Do 在线 Classes Work?

mg不朽情缘游戏网址正在达到高等教育的一个转折点. 2019冠状病毒病加快了在线教育变革的步伐. 

According to the Harvard Business Review, “This moment is likely to be remembered as a critical turning point between the “time before,当时以学位为中心的模拟校园学习是默认的, to the “time after,” when digital, 在线, career-focused learning became the fulcrum of competition between institutions.”

你对在线学习的转变感到紧张吗? 或者兴奋地潜入,但不确定会发生什么? 以下是你需要知道的关于在线课程的一切.


For some, 在线 classes conjure up ideas of isolated learning and self-taught lessons. 虽然这对基于能力的项目来说是正确的, it couldn’t be further from the truth for top-quality instructor-led 在线 classes. 

以教师为主导,以学生为中心的模式, 预先录制的讲座只占课程内容的一小部分. These 在线 classes can be just as vibrant and engaging as any in-person class. 不同的学校和项目会有不同的体验, 所有的学习内容都是相似的.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Livestream Meet Sessions: Usually held once a week, 这些课程提供了现场教学的机会, 关于课程主题的讨论和合作.
  • Interactive Assignments: 这些可能包括使用行业标准的工具或软件, 或者游戏化的内容来帮助学生通过体验来学习.
  • 案例: 这些课程将课程概念应用到现实世界的商业环境中. Case studies provide a highly-relevant and timely way to put theory into practice.
  • Group Projects: You’ll work with peers outside of class—through email or virtual conference calls—to solve challenges, 通过模拟和开发演示.
  • Quizzes and Exams: Regular evaluations, 通过定时虚拟测试和监考考试, 帮助您跟踪进度并展示课程概念的熟练程度.
  • Recorded Sessions: In most 在线 classes, all sessions are recorded for easy reference—both as a review tool and for students who cannot attend a session.


One of the best things about 在线 classes is that they’re very accessible. 在线 classes remove many of the barriers of traditional in-person classes—like rigid academic calendars, 上课时间不方便,通勤时间长.


  • 硬件: You need access to a device to take classes—desktops or laptops are preferred, 但平板电脑甚至手机可能就足够了. Some schools can help you get access to a computer —whether through an on-campus lab or a laptop borrow program—or you may be able to use financial aid funds to purchase a computer.
  • Internet Connection: 您需要能够登录到您的在线课程网站和仪表板. 高速互联网连接是非常宝贵的. Some students will go to libraries or WiFi hotspots if they don’t have high-speed access at home.


  • Software or applications that are specific to the course you’re taking or degree you’re completing. 
  • 一个摄像头 所以你仍然可以在网络课程中体验到面对面的体验.
  • Someone who can provide 它支持 if you face technical challenges. Most 在线 colleges will provide technical support if you have issues like logging in to your course, 忘记密码或需要访问账单信息.


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There are many misperceptions about 在线 education—many stemming from outdated methods of 在线 learning or stigmas from for-profit 在线 college scandals. 

If you’ve heard any of these myths about 在线 classes, you should definitely think again.

  • 神话: 在线 classes are the easy route. If you’re thinking about taking 在线 classes because you think it will be a breeze, 你可能需要重新考虑一下你的动机. The biggest difference between 在线 and in-person is the way you take the class—not the content you learn. 
  • 神话: 在线课程本质上比面对面的课程质量低. 质量不是由在线或亲自指导决定的. 真正的 signs of quality in higher education include regional accreditation, program accreditation, 讲师资格和机构声誉. 
  • 神话: 在线课程没有截止日期. 虽然这对一些自学在线课程来说可能是真的, 由讲师指导的高质量课程仍然有截止日期. Don’t let procrastination get the best of you or let the flexibility become a hindrance to your progress.  
  • 神话: 你不会与其他学生或老师互动. If you choose the right 在线 classes you’ll have direct access to your instructors and chances to collaborate with other students. Top 在线 classes emphasize collaboration because team-based problem solving is how you operate in the professional world.
  • 神话: 雇主会对你的在线教育印象很差. 这可能曾经是正确的,但今天肯定不是这样. 事实上, unless you go to a prominent 在线-only university or you offer the information, 大多数雇主都不知道你是如何获得学位的. The credential is the same—and the instruction method is only a small consideration. 


Preparation is the key to success. Know what you’re looking for and plan ahead when considering 在线 classes. Once you’re enrolled, make sure you’re dedicated to getting the most from your 在线 education. 


  • Know your needs as a learner. 说到在线课程,有很多选择. 你是否需要很多一对一的支持, 一个高度协作的氛围或完全自定节奏的体验, do you research and make sure the 在线 classes meet your specific needs.
  • Make a plan—and stick to it. 时间管理对在线课程的成功至关重要. Look for 在线 classes that work with your schedule and set aside dedicated time each week to attend classes, complete readings, 视图的讲座, and work on assignments. 在线 classes that emphasize a balanced approach to coursework can make it easier to plan ahead.
  • Do more than the bare minimum. You get out what you put in. 多花点时间去了解你的导师、同事和顾问. 利用师徒关系或职业发展机会. 不要仅仅把在线课程看作是获得学位, 而是作为人际关系和职业发展的机会.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. 了解并利用你掌握的每一种资源. 寻找辅助性的机会,比如辅导, 研究协助和写作支持, 以及专门的学术顾问. 
  • Don’t overcommit yourself. Between personal, professional and education pursuits, know how much you can realistically take on. Do your research to find out how many 在线 classes you can take at one time and the implications that will have on your time to graduation.


Franklin University has offered 在线 classes for over 20 years—making the university a leader in 在线 education. Franklin uses innovative 在线 learning methods to teach cutting-edge curriculum informed by employers and industry experts.

Designed for working professionals, all courses are taught in a balanced learning format so you can work getting your degree into your schedule. 查看mg不朽情缘试玩提供的所有在线课程 exploring our degree programs.

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