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我为什么要回学校? 15个令人兴奋的未来职业

Whether you’ve never been to college or you’ve completed a college degree and want to pursue advanced education, 回到学校有很多理由.

One of the most popular reasons people decide to go back to school is because they want to change jobs and find themselves in an exciting new career field. 也许你对现在的工作没有成就感, you need new skills for a job search or have reached a ceiling in your current career path. 所有这些动机都能让你重返校园.

然而, 选择合适的课程需要仔细考虑, 因为回到学校有很多选择. 如果你正在寻找下一个职业发展, 让mg不朽情缘游戏网址来看看15个高增长的职业,它们会激励你重返校园. 


如果你在考虑投资时间, 把钱和精力投入到获得学位上, 你想确保毕业后会有一个有价值的职业. 让mg不朽情缘游戏网址来看看15个发展迅速的高薪工作,它们是未来的职业. 

根据领先的劳动力市场分析公司EMSI, 这些职业都有望在未来10年实现两位数的增长. 


Market research analysts and marketing specialists are responsible for the promotion of a company’s products and services. 这可能包括客户调查, 广告活动开发和活动绩效监控. 

This career is rewarding for both data-driven and 有创意的 individuals who enjoy customer psychology and developing persuasive messaging that meets the needs of target audiences.


Nurse practitioners are responsible for basic and clinical care of individuals with acute and chronic medical conditions. 他们通常在初级保健机构、医院或管理医疗机构工作. 

如果你喜欢帮助别人,你会发现成为一名执业护士是值得的, working with people of different ages and are comfortable with applying evidence-based practices to solve patient care problems. 


Management analysts are in charge of keeping the costs of a company low by analyzing data, 创建报告并对政策变更提出建议. They are often called upon to evaluate the performance of employees in an organization, 然后做出改变来改善这个过程. 

You will enjoy being a management analyst if you are intrigued by quantitative and qualitative research that focuses on people-centered problem solving.


财务经理是组织财务规划过程的骨干. Financial managers assist executive management by leading the assessment of financial performance, strategies and tactics that maximize the efficient utilization of resources in support of approved business objectives.

You will find this job rewarding if you enjoy solving big-picture financial problems supported by detailed data.


Medical and health services managers are responsible for administration of a healthcare facility. 他们通常负责雇佣员工, 增加收入, 并制定未来的战略计划,以改善患者的护理结果. 

You will find a career as a medical and health services manager rewarding if you enjoy working with people, 帮助人们, 并且乐于承担责任. It’s also important that you like working in a team because you will be working with other employees from different departments.


计算机和信息系统经理关注的是计划, 发展, 以及组织使用的计算机系统的维护. 随着新技术和复杂信息的不断发展, 这一职业对组织的成功至关重要. 

You will succeed as a computer and information systems manager if you have strong technical skills, 注重细节和领导能力.


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The role of a software developer is to create computer applications and software systems that interact with end-user systems. 开发人员都为计算机平台创建新的应用程序, 以及维护和增强现有的应用程序.

如果你注重细节,你会成为一名优秀的软件开发人员, 有创意的, 享受最新的技术.


Information security analysts are in charge of security when it comes to the business world. 它们侧重于保护组织的计算机, 来自内部和外部攻击者的网络和数据. 

You’ll find working as an information security analyst rewarding if you are detail oriented, 天生好奇,善于解决问题.


Training and 发展 specialists are human resource professionals that specialize in the professional 发展 and education of employees. These professionals will develop programs that help employees build a variety of job-specific skills, 以及在安全和合规方面的授权培训. 

You will succeed as a training and 发展 specialist if you have strong interpersonal skills and enjoy teaching others.


Personal financial advisors help individuals develop a plan to help them reach their financial goals. 他们通过个人辅导与客户合作, 人寿保险, 退休计划, 制定投资策略,规划儿童未来教育.

如果你有很强的人际关系,你会发现这份工作很有价值, 组织和分析能力.


数据科学家擅长从大量数据中提取意义. They write programs that organize and manage data to help identify patterns and relationships between different pieces of data. 

如果你喜欢和电脑打交道,你会发现这个职业很吸引人, 有分析思维,做事很有条理.


Operations research analysts are responsible for applying mathematical models and procedures to problems that may involve resources, 人类的表现, 或者商业环境. They also work with large database sets and ask specific questions to analyze the data.

You will enjoy this career if you enjoy data-driven problem solving that has big-picture business implications.


The role of a public relations specialist is to deliver the message of a business to its target market. 公共关系专家负责传达研究结果, 开发产品或服务, 推销产品或服务, 处理消费者投诉.

You will find this career rewarding if you‘re an outgoing person with strong written and spoken communication skills.


统计学家 play a vital role in making sense of the ever-growing amounts of data collected by businesses. They gather, analyze, and interpret data to aid in many business decision-making processes. 

如果你注重细节,你会在这条职业道路上取得成功, 有数学倾向,喜欢解决问题.


Nurse midwives are responsible for providing pregnant women with prenatal and postnatal care, 还有咨询. 它们保证了女性的身体健康, mental and emotional health throughout the different stages of pregnancy and childbirth. 

You will find this career rewarding if you are a natural caregiver who wants to help improve the outcomes of women who choose to become mothers.


大学学位和学习项目有很多选择. 帮你缩小选择范围, 以下5个步骤可以帮助你决定你应该重返学校的原因:

  • 评估你的优点和缺点 确定哪些课程最适合你的能力.
  • 记录财务、工作/生活和文化适应目标 对于你正在考虑的职业. 
  • 确定你真正热爱的是什么 并且可以想象自己每天都在做什么.
  • 问问自己,你的长期职业目标是什么 以及学位课程将如何帮助你实现这些目标.
  • 让你的朋友、家人和同事提供反馈 他们认为什么样的职业适合自己.


对于成年人来说,重返校园是一件令人兴奋和充满力量的经历. The key to success is to find a university that’s tailored to your needs as an adult returning to school. 

mg不朽情缘游戏网址提供学士学位课程, 硕士和博士学位可以帮助你实现你的职业目标. mg不朽情缘游戏网址对前沿课程的承诺, student support and career readiness—all in an online format—can help you level up your career.

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